Past Events

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ms. germ. fol 922, f. 130v:
The explicit names the title and a person (the scribe? the author?) who ‘made’ (“machede”) the text.
July 22-27, 2013
Session at the 14th International Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society
Title of the session: ‘Genettian Transtextuality, Manuscript Context and the Short Verse Narrative’
Speakers: Hannah Morcos, Karen Pratt and Elizabeth Dearnley (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University College London)
July 2013
Session on multilingual miscellanies at the Harlaxton Symposium
Organiser: Ad Putter
July 4-7, 2013
Paper Presentation at the biannual conference of the Early Book Society: ‘A Traveling Trinity: Augustijnken’s Dryevoldicheit’
St. Andrew’s
Speaker: Gerard Bouwmeester
June 29, 2013
Final Joint Meeting
June 13, 2013
Second ‘Day of Middle Dutch Studies’
Co-organised by the Utrecht team
May 21 – July 20, 2013
Exhibition of Dutch, English, French and German Facsimiles
Historic Collections Reading Room, 4th Floor, Senate House Library, University of London, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
February 18 – May 31, 2013
Exhibition of Manuscripts and Fascimiles of Miscellany Manuscripts
Bristol University Library
May 13, 2013
CLAMS@25 Conference ‘Students, Intellectuals and the Medieval University’ (Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies)
17.15-18.15 Graduate Student Poster Session
River Room, Strand Campus, King’s College London
Poster presentation: Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
April 28, 2013
Outreach lecture Utrecht Archives
Speaker: Erik Kwakkel
Watch the video registration
April 25-28, 2013
Final Conference
- Schedule (pdf)
- Abstracts (pdf)
- Call for papers (deadline August 1, 2012) (pdf)
April 24, 2013
Master Class ‘ What can you learn from a manuscript’
Instructors: Keith Busby, Gareth Griffith, Nicola Zotz
March 21, 2013
Lecture on ‘Booklets and Authors in 15th-Century Dream Visions’
University of Cardiff
Speaker: Ad Putter
March 14, 2013
Medieval Reading Group
Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies (CLAMS)
King’s College London
Speaker: Hannah Morcos
February 8, 2013
Paper Presentation at the Cross-over 2013: Crossing Borders Congress ‘Augustijnken: auteur en/of autoriteit’
Speaker: Gerard Bouwmeester
November 29, 2012
Guest lecture for BA in Literary Studies, on ‘travelling texts’. Case study: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Marshall 29, esp. Masscheroen and afterlife
Instructor: Gerard Bouwmeester November 23-24, 2012
Fifth Joint Meeting
July 13-14, 2012
Paper presentation at the York-UEA-KCL Annual Medieval Conference
University of East Anglia, Norwich
Speakers: Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
July 9-12, 2012
Paper presentation at the 19th International Medieval Congress
Speaker: Gareth GriffithJune 29-30, 2012
Fourth Joint Meeting
TBC, 2012
Seminar for MA in Medieval Studies on Arthur in Longleat MS 55
Instructors: Ad Putter, Gareth Griffith
June 21-23, 2012
Paper presentation at the British Academy Conference ‘Insular Books: Vernacular Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain’
Speaker: Ad Putter
June 16, 2012
Paper presentation at the conference in honour of Wachinger
Speaker: Matthias Meyer
June 15, 2012
Paper presentation at the “Festkolloquium zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Burghart Wachinger”
Universität Tübingen (Germany)
Speaker: Nicola Zotz
May 24, 2012
Guest lecture at Innsbruck University
Speaker: Matthias Meyer
May 11-12, 2012
Paper presentation at ‘Writing the West’ conference
Speaker: Gareth Griffith
May 10-13, 2012
Two sessions at the 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Titles of the sessions: (1) The Poetics of Miscellanies; (2) Codicological and Typological Issues
Organiser: Matthias Meyer
Speakers: Gerard Bouwmeester, Nicola Zotz, Matthias Meyer
May 3, 2012
Paper presentation at the Cambridge Medieval French Seminar
St Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge
Speakers: Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
March 24-26, 2012
Paper presentation at the ‘Romance in Medieval Britain’ Conference
Speaker: Gareth Griffith
March 24, 2012
Workshop on medieval text collections
organised by Francis Gingras and Isabelle Arseneau, and sponsored by GREPSOMM (
Speaker: Bart Besamusca
February 27, 2012
Round Table discussion on ‘ ‘Collection’ at the crossroads of book history and textual criticism’
organised by the Louvain research centre LECTIO (
Speaker: Bart Besamusca
February 2, 2012
Guest lecture at Erlangen University, Dept. of German: ‘Zerstückelte Herzen und Halbe Birnen. Poetik und Ästhetik der Kurzerzählungen Konrads von Würzburg’
Speaker: Matthias Meyer
November 21, 2011
Guest lecture at Salzburg University, Dept. of German: ‘Konrad von Würzburg, die ‘Halbe Birne’, die Überlieferung und die Germanistik’
Speaker: Matthias Meyer
November 11-12, 2011
Third Joint Meeting
November 10, 2011
Study Day: ‘The Dynamics of the Medieval Codex: Text and Image’
Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies (CLAMS)
King’s College London
Speakers: Ad Putter, Karen Pratt (Chair), Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
October 14, 2011
Paper Presentation at the First ‘Day of Middle Dutch Studies’
Speaker: Gerard Bouwmeester
October 2011 – February 2012
Course on ‘Mittelalterliche Kurzerzählungen in Sammelhandschriften’
Series of lectures at the University of Vienna and the Austrian National Library
Instructors: Matthias Meyer, Nicola Zotz
September 21-24, 2011
Paper Presentation at the XIXth Colloquium of the International Reynard Society
Speaker: Paul Wackers
September 12, 2011
Paper Presentation at the XXXIX. Internationales mediävistisches Colloquium
Müstair (Graubünden)
Speaker: Nicola Zotz
July 25-30, 2011
Session at the 23rd Triennial Congress of the International Arthurian Society
Title of the session: ‘Arthurian miscellanies’
Speakers: Gareth Griffith, Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
Participation in a session: Gerard Bouwmeester
Plenary lecture: Bart BesamuscaJuly 11-14, 2011
Paper given at the XVIIIth International Medieval Congress
Speaker: Gareth Griffith
July 3-7, 2011
Papers presentations at the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society
(in collaboration with the York MSS Conference)
Conference theme: ‘Out of Bounds: Movement and Use of Manuscripts and Printed Books, 1350-1550’
Speakers: Ad Putter and Gareth Griffith, Gerard Bouwmeester
July 1-2, 2011
Second Joint Meeting
ViennaMay 12-15, 2011
Session at the 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Title of the session: The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript: Text Collections from a European Perspective
Speakers: Daniël Ermens, Nicola Zotz, Matthias MeyerMay 10, 2011
London Society for Medieval Studies
“The Nature and Dynamics of Knowledge in Late Medieval French Anthology Manuscripts”
Speaker: Professor Karen Pratt
April 28, 2011
Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies: Digital Research & Posters Day
18:30-19:30: Medieval Graduates Research: Posters Drop-in Event Council Room, Strand Campus, King’s College London Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
April 5-6, 2011
Presentation at the British Branch meeting of the International Courtly Literature Society
Speakers: Hannah Morcos and Rachel Sweet
March 26, 2011
Presentation of the project during the University day / Alumni day of the University of Utrecht
Speaker: Paul Wackers
More information
February – May, 2011
MA course on Middle Dutch short tales in their manuscript context
series of lectures at the University of Antwerp
Instructors: Bart Besamusca, Daniël Ermens, Gerard Bouwmeester
February 15, 2011
Lecture on Arthur in Longleaf MS 55, given to undergraduates and postgraduates
Instructors: Ad Putter, Gareth Griffith
November 26-27, 2010
First Joint Meeting